LordFokas / StargateTech2

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port to 1.7.10 #89

Closed marcin212 closed 9 years ago

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

I could not wait longer. :)

LizzyTrickster commented 9 years ago

Just tried the build, what version of IC2 were you using to test this with? It errors for me

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

Now should working. I forgot update API. You must build this project alone, because the license does not allow to redistribute.

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

I have more than a few questions.

1) why was "StargateTech2" removed from the translation files / classes? It was placed there INTENTIONALLY.

2) why were the Data streams replaced by ByteBuf? It was easier to use the Data streams to write and read data without caring about bytes and exporting or importing an array in the back.

3) did you test the mod thoroughly? Is there anything I need to know?

I really want to accept this, but first I need to know that it works an what was changed (and why). No one sane blindly accepts PRs.

From what I can see, you did a good job there, but still...

BTW, thanks for the effort.

LizzyTrickster commented 9 years ago

@LordFokas (3) From initial testing it seems that most of it works fine, I have IC2 installed but the UU ioniser recipes are not in there. I also can't test the shield or gate for functionality because of OpenComputers not recognising that SGTech is installed ( I may poke @fnuecke about that later ) thus not adding the AbstractBus Card.

Also to reply to your first point, the way language files are handled changed drastically between 1.6.4 and 1.7.10, each mod is now it's own "resource pack" and in game the tool tips + item/block names seem fine to me

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

1) ok, I can add this, but I think that it should be block.stargatetech2.lanteanWall_white.name What do you think?

2) I used ByteBuff in my mod, so it was easier for me.

3) I working on compatibility with IC2 and OpenComputers and I must test shield. Only missing recipes and functionality. Do not crash.

Can I put here link to Unofficial build for test by other Users?

LizzyTrickster commented 9 years ago

@marcin212 OC support is done OC side, don't worry about that.

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

Now (probably) all works fine.

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

Ok, so, about the translations it's ok to leave them as they are right now.

As for the way you've done packets, it looks a bit strange to me, but if they work that's good enough for now. I can always refactor that later.

Feel free to drop a link here, I'll share it on the forums later to get some feedback.

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

Thank you! New build: http://www.starchasers.pl/SGT2/stargatetech2-Alpha-0.7.5-MC1710-Forge1232-B2-UnOfficial.jar

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

I've posted in on the forum. We should see something soon.

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

New build: http://www.starchasers.pl/SGT2/stargatetech2-Alpha-0.7.5-MC1710-Forge1232-B4-UnOfficial.jar

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

So far this seems great. I'm very close to merging this :)

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

@marcin212 how would you feel about regularly contributing to StargateTech? Once I get back to business, of course :p

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

Also, I found an error. Crash while placing a Stargate. Still don't know what it is, need to investigate.

Mechtecs commented 9 years ago

@LordFokas He would be good for the team! :D

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

Yes he would @Mechtecs. I like to have people around, I feel like working harder.

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

Actually, never mind what I wrote here before. I found the cause and the fix for the problem. It's all @marcin212's fault :p

Basically the methods onMessageClient and onMessageServer are annotated with @SideOnly, which makes FML strip them out. So, on clients, onMessageServer is stripped out and integrated servers crash. We need to at least remove the annotation from that one. The client one can stay for now.

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

Ok, I fix it tomorrow.

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

Thank you :) Do you mind building so I can test it? I'll merge and close this as soon as I'm happy with the tests.

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

Yes, of course. About contributing, why not. I like this mod.

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

\o/ nice! There's a few fixes I want to introduce in 0.7.5, but nothing great, so as soon as we get your patch in and working it's just a little tweaking and then we can release and focus on 0.8, though I'm not sure how much more I want to polish this before actually moving on to new features... As always, I'm open to input. Anyways, talk to you people later, for now we'll focus on the task at hands. thanks again for everything @marcin212 :)

marcin212 commented 9 years ago

new build: www.starchasers.pl/SGT2/stargatetech2-Alpha-0.7.5-MC1710-Forge1232-B5-UnOfficial.jar

LordFokas commented 9 years ago

Just played around with B5, everything checks out. I'll merge this, but there's still some work ahead before making it official...