Currently the mod only supports starting from WEST. This limits replayability. Let us generalize the code we have to support FIA on either EAST or WEST, and obviously NATO/CSAT etc. on opposite fields.
I am working on this for the past week. So far:
[x] base code no longer depends on the player side
[x] selection of units for each spawn no longer depends on side nor faction
[x] all units/vehicles from AAF/CSAT/NATO are on the same interface
[x] make FIA use same interface as above
[x] make player start as CIV, and only assign a side once the commander selects the setting (or loads a game)
Currently the mod only supports starting from WEST. This limits replayability. Let us generalize the code we have to support FIA on either EAST or WEST, and obviously NATO/CSAT etc. on opposite fields.
I am working on this for the past week. So far: