LordKobra / CobraFX

ReShade Shaders
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Adding sampling flexibility #4

Open FieryAery opened 1 month ago

FieryAery commented 1 month ago

Hi, thank you for sharing your shaders. The cobramask is great! but I would like to request a feature so it able to sample at a different stage of the postprocess stack. Right now Cobramask_Start will directly sample the image before it. It would be more useful to be able to sample at earlier stage of the post processing stack. Something like adding Cobramask_Sample.fx that can be placed anywhere at earlier stage, then Cobramask_Start and Cobramask_Finish will take the sample from Cobramask_Sample and do the rest.

LordKobra commented 1 month ago

Hey, so this totally makes sense. I have been thinking about splitting shaders three-way in the past already, however this comes at increased setup complexity for the user. Even two instances are already above average. I will think of a solution. Could you perhaps state your use-cases and applicability for other potential users?