LordMidas / LegendsPerkTreeRework

Perk Tree Rework for Legends
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Make it so Vigorous Assault grants additional stacks for running downhill #589

Open Uberbagel opened 2 years ago

Uberbagel commented 2 years ago

Suggested Change:


This suggestion is purely for flavor reasons and because it should be pretty easy to implement. Vigorous Assault is already a good perk. But this change will also not warp it into anything OP. It will hopefully add some more interesting decision making with the terrain in battles.

Suggestion by Darxo.

I love this idea

LordMidas commented 2 years ago

I like the idea too but in the original post there seems to be a misunderstanding. Vigorous assault gives 1 AP reduction for every 2 tiles moved, not every tile. Therefore coding it is actually more complicated than one can imagine. Low priority for me but would like to do at some point.