LordMike / MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT

Utility to map between Blue Riiots pool API, and Home Assistant MQTT
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No sensors in entities #45

Closed alexdelprete closed 3 years ago

alexdelprete commented 3 years ago

Hi Mike,

as a follow-up to my post on HA forum, I wanted to know how to fix the issue in subject.

The addon seems to be working fine, I can see data in MQTT, but I can't find the sensors in the entities list, I looked for pool name, for blueriiot and bluconnect, and I also checked the created device Blueriiot2MQTT, but I only see 3 disabled entities under it:


I don't know if there's a log somewhere I can check or a debug mode...tell me if I need to provide you some in-depth info/data.

Thanks for the help.


LordMike commented 3 years ago

If you check all entities from the MQTT integration in HASS, do you find it then?

38 seems identical, where the issue was what I recommended: search for the pool name.

You can also check the log on the Blueriiot2Mqtt container, and see if it reports anything like New data ready for pool or Pushed N discovery documents, .. (where N is >4 or so..)

alexdelprete commented 3 years ago

Under the MQTT integration I see no entities.


Here's the log of the addon:

[15:59:13 INF] Loading extra config file at /data/options.json
[2021-04-18 15:59:14+00:00 INF] [MqttNet.ManagedMqttClient] Started
[2021-04-18 15:59:14+00:00 INF] [MqttNet.MqttClient] Connected.
[2021-04-18 15:59:14+00:00 INF] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
[2021-04-18 15:59:14+00:00 INF] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime] Hosting environment: Production
[2021-04-18 15:59:14+00:00 INF] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime] Content root path: /app
[2021-04-18 15:59:16+00:00 INF] [MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT.Service.BlueRiiotMqttService] Discovered new pool, 'Piscina Casa Fiano' (eb743aeb-f698-4383-bacb-57b510aa773e)
[2021-04-18 15:59:18+00:00 INF] [MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT.Service.PoolUpdater.SingleBlueRiiotPoolUpdater] New data ready for pool 'Piscina Casa Fiano' at 04/18/2021 16:54:00 (interval 01:12:00). Waiting 00:55:20.4402174
[2021-04-18 15:59:18+00:00 INF] [MBW.HassMQTT.HassMqttManager] Pushed 20 discovery documents, 19 values and 20 attribute changes

I looked for "Piscina Casa Fiano" also 2 days ago, there are no entities that contain any of those 3 words.

Are those autocreated entities associated to the MQTT integration? If so, I have none, so that's the problem I guess.

Last thing: through MQTT Explorer, I can see all data correctly created and updated in the MQTT server. Here's a screenshot:


LordMike commented 3 years ago

Huh, that's odd.. your name has spaces in it ... that's all I can think of .. BR2MQTT is correctly pushing discovery documents as you see in MQTT. Could you check HASS' logs to see if there are any warnings or errors about invalid discovery documents?

alexdelprete commented 3 years ago

The only thing I found in HA logs is this;


I also renamed the pool, now it's HomePool, without spaces. Waited some time. No entities with HomePool or substring home/pool in the name.


LordMike commented 3 years ago

I'm still at a loss.

What if you enable debug logging on HASS for MQTT discovery?

Call this service in HASS (use the debug panel):

service: logger.set_level
  homeassistant.components.mqtt: debug

Then view the logs in either the log viewer or the console output (if its running docker f.ex.). See if HASS receives the discovery documents, and if it logs anything out of the ordinary, like errors in the documents.

LordMike commented 3 years ago

I'm not used to running HassIO/HASS OS.. do you have an integration for MQTT that isn't the add-on, that shows the number of entities?

I f.ex. have this on /config/integrations:


I can see you have some devices, so the MQTT integration is working... .... the error you get seems to be an internal issue, perhaps related to MQTT. Maybe something is wrong with your HASS installation? I've tried looking up the error, and it shouldn't happen :|

alexdelprete commented 3 years ago

Like I wrote above, this is what I see under the MQTT integration box (no devices/entities):


I suspect something is wrong for the MQTT integration, but I can't understand what it is.

Did you configure something in the configuration.yaml file for MQTT? Can you show it to me so I can check? Thanks.

alexdelprete commented 3 years ago

Fixed. The integration was installed months ago, and it pointed to core-mosquitto instance. When I installed your addon, I first installed the Mosquitto broker addon, but the integration was still pointing to core-mosquitto. :)

image image image

LordMike commented 3 years ago

... but ... ooooh... the original screenshot you had was not blueriiot2mqtt entities.. I thought they were my status-entities.. I can see now they're the add-on entities..

Good you resolved it :)

alexdelprete commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the support, I'm sorry I bothered you for a local issue.