Hi, many thanks for developing this! Seems like much better solution than using IFTTT. However, cannot get it to work. I have attached the log file below. Please let me know if you can say what's wrong?
I managed to solve my problem. I was missing --network host when starting the docker. Think good idea to add this to the CLI section in the readme file
Hi, many thanks for developing this! Seems like much better solution than using IFTTT. However, cannot get it to work. I have attached the log file below. Please let me know if you can say what's wrong?
`$ sudo docker run -d -e MQTTServer= -e BlueRiiotUsername=[MyUser] -e BlueRiiotPassword=[MyPassword] -e LoggingMinimumLevelDefault=Verbose -e LoggingMinimumLevelOverrideMBW.Client.BlueRiiotApi=Verbose lordmike/blueriiot2mqtt:latest````
$ sudo docker logs a4a5f901cd1d [2020-06-04 19:41:59+00:00 DBG] [Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Internal.Host] Hosting starting [2020-06-04 19:41:59+00:00 VRB] [MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT.HASS.HassMqttSensor] Setting device property name to BlueRiiot2MQTT, for blueriiot2mqtt_status [2020-06-04 19:41:59+00:00 VRB] [MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT.HASS.HassMqttSensor] Setting device property sw_version to 0.2.2, for blueriiot2mqtt_status [2020-06-04 19:41:59+00:00 VRB] [MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT.HASS.HassMqttSensor] Setting attribute started to 06/04/2020 19:41:59, for blueriiot2mqtt_status [2020-06-04 19:41:59+00:00 VRB] [MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT.HASS.HassMqttSensor] Adding device identifier blueriiot2mqtt for blueriiot2mqtt_status [2020-06-04 19:41:59+00:00 VRB] [MqttNet.MqttClient] Trying to connect with server '' (Timeout=00:00:10). [2020-06-04 19:41:59+00:00 DBG] [MBW.BlueRiiot2MQTT.Service.BlueRiiotMqttService] Beginning update [2020-06-04 19:42:00+00:00 INF] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. [2020-06-04 19:42:00+00:00 INF] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime] Hosting environment: Production [2020-06-04 19:42:00+00:00 INF] [Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime] Content root path: /app [2020-06-04 19:42:00+00:00 DBG] [Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Internal.Host] Hosting started [2020-06-04 19:42:02+00:00 ERR] [MqttNet.MqttClient] Error while connecting with server. MQTTnet.Exceptions.MqttCommunicationException: Host is unreachable [::ffff:]:1883 `