LordRafa / ALARMOnTegraK1

Scripts and packages to install Arch Linux Arm on Tegra K1
GNU General Public License v3.0
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installing to sda results in error #9

Open sojab0on opened 1 month ago

sojab0on commented 1 month ago

I managed to create a boot sd and boot to arch After i ran curl -L https://github.com/LordRafa/ALARMOnTegraK1/releases/latest/download/archlinux.sh -o archlinux.sh bash archlinux.sh sda (Sata connected SSD) it formats it and goes to download ArchLinuxARM rootfs but tries to mount target rootfs after that it wants to umount /tmp/arfs/proc but errors as not mounted and stops runing

running every thing over serial connection so i can see whats happening

sojab0on commented 3 weeks ago

now i got it further but it blocks at Copying additional files to ArchLinuxARM rootdir -forked to background, child pid 1891 ...done. Installing development base packages | ...done. Installing X-server basics | ...done. umount: /tmp/arfs/dev: target is busy. and kick out of the script back to the root in serial console