LordZoltan / PagerSlidingTabStrip.Net

Port of Java project of the same name by Andreas Stütz (https://github.com/astuetz/PagerSlidingTabStrip) for Xamarin.Android, written in C# .Net.
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 8 forks source link

Customizing Fragment Layout. #10

Open trile127 opened 7 years ago

trile127 commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to update the fragment on the fly.

Within SuperAwesomeCardFragment.cs, there is a method:

OnCreateView(Android.Views.LayoutInflater inflater, Android.Views.ViewGroup container, Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)

where I can feed the fragment a bundle and take that data and change the view and show a UserProfile that was loaded from the database.

How would I feed the CardFragment class that bundle?

I've read information on how to pass it but I'm not sure how to feed the bundle into the support fragment manager.

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37684497/how-to-pass-data-between-fragment-in-viewpager