LordZoltan / PagerSlidingTabStrip.Net

Port of Java project of the same name by Andreas Stütz (https://github.com/astuetz/PagerSlidingTabStrip) for Xamarin.Android, written in C# .Net.
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 8 forks source link

Crash due to ObjectDisposedExcception in PagerSlidingTabStrip.OnDraw #11

Closed gentledepp closed 6 years ago

gentledepp commented 6 years ago

With Android 6.0, 6.1, 7.0:

1) Having two activities that use PagerSlidingTabStrip 2) .. and navigating between those Activities several times => the Java-Objects of the "_rectPaint" and "_dividerPaint" somehow get disposed of. 3) .. then OnDraw is called, where the call _rectPaint.Color = _indicatorColor; leads to an ObjectDisposedException whici crashes the app