LordofBone / The-Nvidianator

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Index Error #2

Closed JVTEAM closed 4 years ago

JVTEAM commented 4 years ago

Having an index error...

Processing objects and looking for faces ./my-recognition: symbol lookup error: ./my-recognition: undefined symbol: _Z13loadImageRGBAPKcPP6float4S3PiS4 Traceback (most recent call last): File "nvmain.py", line 71, in topPrediction, topPredictionConfidence, humanid, confidence = vision_analysis.imageAnalyse(class_names, device, model_trained) File "/home//Downloads/The-Nvidianator/vision_analysis.py", line 51, in imageAnalyse topPrediction, topPredictionConfidence = object_infer.infer_object() File "/home//Downloads/The-Nvidianator/object_infer.py", line 17, in infer_object topPredictionSplit = str(out.split("recognized as ")[1]) IndexError: list index out of range

JVTEAM commented 4 years ago

Figured out I had to make my out ./my-recognition file in order for this to work for me.