Loreinator / Shuffle-Move

Program to help choose moves in the Pokemon Shuffle puzzle game
GNU General Public License v3.0
95 stars 18 forks source link

Config Tweaks #311

Closed Loreinator closed 7 years ago

Loreinator commented 7 years ago

There are some minor changes needed in the configs for issues pointed out by reddit users: u/NorthernFireDrake and u/Anon911sam.

From NorthernFireDrake: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShuffleMove/comments/6m7ekr/shuffle_move_v03109/dk9vpk0/

I noticed some errors with your stage listings.

First, on both the 3DS and mobile stage listings, main stage #485 Burmy is listed as being a Grass-type stage. It's actually a Bug-type stage.

Second, on the mobile stage listings, main stage #500 is labeled "Mega_(Metagross)" as if it was for a Pokemon called Mega with a form called Metagross. It should be labeled "Mega_Metagross" like in the 3DS stage listings.

Third, in the 3DS stage listings, the special stage for Breloom is listed before the special stage for Leavanny. It should be the other way around, since Leavanny is #613 and Breloom is #615. The mobile stage listings do not have this issue.

From Anon911sam: https://www.reddit.com/user/Anon911sam

Mudsdale's 4Up is not working for me.

Reinstalling and deleting the Shuffle-Move directory in the user folder didn't fix it.

This is essentially the same problem as before, but worse, since reinstalling didn't solve the problem.

4Up isn't really crucial to me, so I'm just giving you feedback.

Maybe there's a problem with the save function, since Mudsdale did level up to Level 9. Skill Level is the same as before (Level 4).