Loreinator / Shuffle-Move

Program to help choose moves in the Pokemon Shuffle puzzle game
GNU General Public License v3.0
95 stars 18 forks source link

Finding location of zip directly from the Updater #56

Closed kpwbo closed 9 years ago

kpwbo commented 9 years ago

Hello. :) Would it be possible to implement a button in the ShuffleMove Updater window that opens the location of the downloaded zip file ? In this way, users can click on "Get Newest Version" (or "Force") to download the zip, then click on "Open Zip Location" (or whatever name you choose for the button) to open the location of the zip in the default file manager (like Windows Explorer on Windows systems).

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

Currently built in the development branch, seems to work fine on Windows and I'll test it out on the others later today.

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

We'll need a quick test that the bug report feature will open to the bugs folder for each platform/OS type.

See here for the prototype

I use the exact same code to handle opening of downloaded zips and the opening of bug report zips, so it should be fully testable through the report bug GUI alone.

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

So far, I've tested it on Windows 10 and it works perfectly fine.

Test Case:

1) Open the prototype program 2) Create a bug report through the GUI 3) Observe that your default file manager opens the folder which contains this new bug report.

If step 3 works and opens the correct folder without issue, then the test is successful.

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

Assuming this works correctly, I'll be pushing out a new version sometime during this long weekend - maybe Monday, but I haven't decided yet.

kpwbo commented 9 years ago

I can confirm that it is working on my Windows 8.1 system. :)

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

Just tested it in my Ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine, and it works perfectly.

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

It even works in MobaXTerm's automatic X11 forwarding, laggy but it still works (it barely has a desktop, and it can still show you the bug folder).

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

We just need someone on Macintosh to test it out and we're set.

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

Since it works well enough on Ubuntu and both Windows 10 and 8.1, I can't see any real reason why it wouldn't work on Macintosh - the code itself is very simple and uses the built-in desktop API for cross-platform usage. If anyone on Mac has issues we'll resolve them if possible. Closing this issue since there is no more to be done.