Loreinator / Shuffle-Move

Program to help choose moves in the Pokemon Shuffle puzzle game
GNU General Public License v3.0
95 stars 18 forks source link

Make Development master #65

Closed ShuffleBugs closed 9 years ago

ShuffleBugs commented 9 years ago

Typically development happens on the master branch. Github integration has some nice features when things land on master, e.g., auto-close issues and default pull request target. You can track releases with tags or a separate release branch(es).

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

Should the development branch always be called "master" or is "development" fine for that? Is there any problem with having "master" as the non-default branch, to be used for releases?

ShuffleBugs commented 9 years ago

"master" is just traditional and is the default for git and github. Github does make it possible to change the default behavior of its interfaces: https://github.com/Loreinator/Shuffle-Move/settings/branches

Making "master" the main development branch could make it easier for collaboration with people already familiar with their git flow, e.g., git fetch origin master

Having a separate development branch is totally fine especially if the goal of master is to have it kept in a shippable state. This just makes the github automation of closing issues delayed until development is merged into master, so there's no need to manually close issues.

I suppose the question is would you prefer issues to be autoclosed when they land on Development or when merged to master?

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

Honestly, I wasn't even aware of that automatic closing feature. I think I'll go with the setup:

Two branches:

"master": for development, auto-closing to make development faster/more seamless.

"released": for the latest release, the point that Jenkins looks at for building a new release for me - since they are slightly different in naming than development builds.

Thanks for the pointers, I'll do the switch over tonight when I have faster access to my Jenkins server (home connection is 60-80KiB/sec so it takes a few seconds to load pages, but is instant at home).

Loreinator commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the tips, the new scheme is:

master: For all development released: The branch that spawns releases, allowing an easy way to browse the current state in the 'latest' program.