Currently test-conda.yml runs on a schedule. Ideally, these would run when opening a PR to catch issues before they're merged.
Currently, our data is hosted on Box, which requires a user password to saved as a secret. To run tests on PR would require some additional measures to avoid a security vulnerability - essentially gating this run on admin approval.
We can either ...
Change how the data is fetched...
Changing service provider to something that does not require credentials
Perusing a different account option through Box, not requiring user password
Preserve data on GitHub between runs
Add gate-keeping measures for these tests (e.g., admin must approve or label PR before tests run), making for a more cumbersome approval process
runs on a schedule. Ideally, these would run when opening a PR to catch issues before they're merged.Currently, our data is hosted on Box, which requires a user password to saved as a secret. To run tests on PR would require some additional measures to avoid a security vulnerability - essentially gating this run on admin approval.
We can either ...