LorenFrankLab / spyglass

Neuroscience data analysis framework for reproducible research built by Loren Frank Lab at UCSF
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Low verbosity error `1217` on delete prevents cascade #638

Open samuelbray32 opened 11 months ago

samuelbray32 commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug Attempting to delete an entry within the Session table results in the following error: IntegrityError: (1217, 'Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails')

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run (Session & {"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'}).delete({"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'})

Expected behavior The entry and all other downstream should be removed

Additional context The only thing done with this nwb_file was insertion into spyglass, if that helps narrow down potential schema permission errors

edeno commented 11 months ago

For reference, here are the key restraints:

image image
khl02007 commented 11 months ago

@samuelbray32 this probably won't solve it but did you try not passing in the dictionary to delete? i.e. (Session & {"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'}).delete() instead of ((Session & {"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'}).delete({"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'}). And I thought delete only gets rid of the downstream entries -- the upstream entries (e.g. those in Nwbfile) will need to be deleted manually

edeno commented 11 months ago

I was able to delete Sharon's file when she had this issue. So one possibility is that this is a permissions issue.

The other thought is that experiment_description is varchar(2000), which is a problem with the current MySQL. The permissions issue seems more likely though.

samuelbray32 commented 11 months ago

@samuelbray32 this probably won't solve it but did you try not passing in the dictionary to delete? i.e. (Session & {"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'}).delete() instead of ((Session & {"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'}).delete({"nwb_file_name": 'samtest20230817_.nwb'}). And I thought delete only gets rid of the downstream entries -- the upstream entries (e.g. those in Nwbfile) will need to be deleted manually

The alternative delete call also didn't work. Attempting to delete from Nwbfile caused the same error. Also, I mistyped in the initial description when I said upstream. I've edited that now

edeno commented 11 months ago

My current hypothesis is that it is the alison_ prefixed tables that are causing the issue. The ms_ tables are also maybe problematic for other users, but @samuelbray32 has permissions for these tables.

acomrie commented 11 months ago

Hi, in case useful, I haven't populated these alison schema or interacted with them at all in this timeframe, so it would have to be something about how they're instantiated I suppose (there are likely some dependencies on Session as expected, but I'd expect others have custom schema that depend on Session as well)

edeno commented 11 months ago

To test the permissions part, @samuelbray32 can you reinsert your test file and try to delete it? Upon failure, I think @acomrie can try to delete it, which should work.

edeno commented 10 months ago

Possibly caused by #641

samuelbray32 commented 10 months ago

There's another entry samtestb20230817_.nwb with the same issue can test on

samuelbray32 commented 10 months ago

Created issue for datajoint here

shijiegu commented 9 months ago

Hi everyone. I might have a similar issue here. I have some data processed from last year 2022. I cannot open these data now. Relevant files:

position_info = (IntervalLinearizedPosition() &
                 {'nwb_file_name': 'molly20220416_.nwb','interval_list_name': 'pos 1 valid times',
                  'position_info_param_name': 'default'}

This works for data processed this year.

position_info = (IntervalLinearizedPosition() &
                 {'nwb_file_name': 'eliot20221016_.nwb','interval_list_name': 'pos 1 valid times',
                  'position_info_param_name': 'default'}

If you try to delete old entries in the IntervalLinearizedPosition(), you get the same error which is (1217, 'Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails')

CBroz1 commented 9 months ago

Hi @shijiegu - Are you seeing Error 1217 with fetch1_dataframe()? I would only expect to see this when deleting data. I'm able to run your first command just fine image

edeno commented 9 months ago

@shijiegu how updated is your spyglass?

shijiegu commented 9 months ago

@edeno I think you might be right. I only updated Spyglass this year in June...

edeno commented 9 months ago

@CBroz1's PR will hopefully fix this in datajoint when it is merged: https://github.com/datajoint/datajoint-python/pull/1112

CBroz1 commented 8 months ago

Closing with https://github.com/datajoint/datajoint-python/pull/1112

CBroz1 commented 8 months ago

(Session & restriction).delete() is still an issue for @sharon-chiang. In her case, it is a permission error and not a mysql 8 error code issue. I think this is solvable when we tackle the spike-sorting unix user group issue

edeno commented 8 months ago

Could you give a little more context for what the error was?

sharon-chiang commented 8 months ago

The error was the same 1217 integrity error as previously encountered. This occurred for (sgc.Session() & {'nwb_file_name': 'SC3820230615_.nwb'}).delete() after pulling the most recent updates from datajoint.

edeno commented 7 months ago

Just to update from discussions with @CBroz1:

This issue should not affect people newly setting up spyglass so far as we know. Currently only a problem with the Frank Lab database.

CBroz1 commented 7 months ago

I've (a) reached out to our db admin to request that logs be turned on to better monitor occurrences, (b) reached out to a member of the datajoint team for insights, and (c) posted to stack overflow for community input

CBroz1 commented 5 months ago

I have continued to pursue solutions as described in post here.

CBroz1 commented 4 months ago

This list details which tables do and do not permit cascading deletes for low-privilege users. Attempting to delete from each table resulted in one of three outcomes...

common_nwbfile nwbfile PROBLEM _session
common_session _session PROBLEM position_source
common_behav position_source verbose raw_position
common_behav _raw_position PROBLEM _raw_position__pos_object
common_behav _raw_position__pos_object deleted
common_behav position_source__spatial_series verbose raw_position__pos_object
common_dio _d_i_o_events deleted
common_ephys _electrode_group PROBLEM _electrode
common_ephys _electrode deleted
common_ephys _raw deleted
common_ephys _sample_count deleted
common_interval interval_list PROBLEM _position_interval_map
common_behav __position_interval_map deleted
common_task _task_epoch PROBLEM _video_file
common_behav _video_file deleted
common_session _session__data_acquisition_device deleted

@edeno edit formatting for table

shijiegu commented 2 months ago

This issue persists:

(LFPSelection() & {'nwb_file_name' :'eliot20221025_.nwb'}).delete()


IntegrityError: (1217, 'Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails')
shijiegu commented 2 months ago

Hi! I see the various attempts above, but at the end of the day, if a researcher wants to delete an entry, they are supposed to be able to do it. Now I need to traverse all children tables to find a potential blocking table myself. This error was not there, at least for me, prior to 2023 Jun. This is caused by changes/upgrades in the database; I expect to receive a concrete fix for this, i.e., some scripts or an alternate delete function that I can call.

samuelbray32 commented 2 months ago

As we've discussed in lab meetings, this is a permissions issue specific to our implemented database and we have collectively agreed on the working solution of escalating a user's permissions as needed.

If you are experiencing this error, please reach out the the database admins with the username(s) that are experiencing the issue to have their permissions altered

shijiegu commented 2 months ago

Thanks Sam. I vaguely remember this discussion, spanning multiple lab meetings. I also recall a suggestion to implement a special delete function to call in an event like this.

I also need to point out no one has perfect memory on every issue of the database. A written resolution on how to proceed temporarily, especially in Open Issues, will be very helpful.

shijiegu commented 2 months ago

As a second note, the scattered comments above do not fully explain why I need to traverse children tables because the principle of the datajoint is such that children tables will be subject to parent tables.

I could guess that a downstream table entry privilege is different from any of its parent because it is a more precious table, like curated spike sorting, but the reason is not fully split out. To better help users fix their own problems, some summarized knowledge on this kind of long and open issue will be helpful too.

edeno commented 2 months ago

Hi @shijiegu, please review the Code of Conduct and come talk to me.

CBroz1 commented 1 month ago

In a further attempt to explore this issue, I dropped all schemas on our development server, declared empty tables with datajoint, and then loaded a mysqldump of common_. The verbosity issue persists.

This dump...

  1. had --skip-add-drop-table to avoid dropping tables during the load
  2. had edits to CREATE TABLE to include IF NOT EXISTS
  3. had edits to INSERT to ignore duplicates, specifically for conflicting log lines related to declaration
script ```bash #!/bin/bash # MySQL credentials USER="cbroz" PROD_PASS="redacted" PROD_HOST="redacted" DEV_PASS="redacted" DEV_HOST="redacted" OUTPUT_DIR="/home/cbroz/wrk/alt/common_dump" DATABASE_LIST="temp-dump-list.txt" DUMP_FILE="all_common_databases.sql" mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR" # Create output directory if it doesn't exist DATABASES=$(tr '\n' ' ' < "$DATABASE_LIST") # Load text list of databases echo "Dumping databases: $DATABASES" # dump all, skipping drop and create info mysqldump \ -u "$USER" -p"$PROD_PASS" -h "$PROD_HOST" \ --skip-add-drop-table \ --databases $DATABASES > "$OUTPUT_DIR/$DUMP_FILE" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Successfully dumped databases: $DATABASES" else echo "Error dumping databases: $DATABASES" fi sed -i 's/CREATE TABLE /CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS /g' "$OUTPUT_DIR/$DUMP_FILE" sed -i 's/INSERT INTO /INSERT IGNORE INTO /g' "$OUTPUT_DIR/$DUMP_FILE" echo "Loading databases from $DUMP_FILE" mysql\ -u "$USER" -p"$DEV_PASS" -h "$DEV_HOST" \ < "$OUTPUT_DIR/$DUMP_FILE" ```