LorenFrankLab / trodes_to_nwb

Converts data from SpikeGadgets to the NWB Data Format
MIT License
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Time expensive conversion step #46

Closed samuelbray32 closed 8 months ago

samuelbray32 commented 8 months ago

I Just wanted to check if anyone knew of a redundant conversion that might be happening here we could avoid

edeno commented 8 months ago

@rly any thoughts?

rly commented 8 months ago

The NWB ElectricalSeries, SpatialSeries, and TimeSeries types allow any numeric dtype for data, so no conversion should be done. The timestamps field must be float64 but as far as I can tell, they are already float64 for the ephys, analog, DIO, and sample count data. Are the position timestamps in float64 before conversion? It's hard for me to trace the code.

Also, are they all numpy arrays? If the data/timestamps is a list or tuple, then HDMF calls convert_dtype on each element which will be slow... It looks like the data/timestamps for ephys, analog, DIO, sample count, and position are all numpy arrays. It's possible the slowdown could be from the electrode table data, but those are relatively small and should not result in a slowdown that scales with data size.

One thing you could do to figure out where the bottleneck is to do the conversion for just the analog data, just the ephys data, just the position data, etc. and see which one calls convert_dtype too many times.

samuelbray32 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the insight, I'll work on tracing that this afternoon

samuelbray32 commented 8 months ago

Think I found the source. When combining multiple rec files, the RecFileDataChunkIterator was extending timestamps as a list rather than concatenating into an array. Applying https://github.com/LorenFrankLab/spikegadgets_to_nwb/commit/92ae309d46c58fa9daeaaa103255fa53f4d03ac7 cuts conversion times in ~half

edeno commented 8 months ago


rly commented 8 months ago

Great! Could you also update this line https://github.com/LorenFrankLab/spikegadgets_to_nwb/blob/main/src/spikegadgets_to_nwb/convert_ephys.py#L149 where multiple chunks are extended into a list and then converted into a numpy array? In my toy example tests, the list approach is slower, but how much depends on the chunk sizes.

edeno commented 8 months ago
