Lorenzo45 / AutoMute

Mute or unmute your MacBook based on your current Wi-Fi network
MIT License
182 stars 15 forks source link

Homebrew + Versioning #5

Closed bahlo closed 8 years ago

bahlo commented 9 years ago

Please version your builds to make it easier to manage with Homebrew Cask.

timche commented 8 years ago

Any chances that you can do this @Lorenzo45? I would like to install AutoMute via brew cask.

Lorenzo45 commented 8 years ago

I haven't looked into this yet but it looks like it would be really convenient! I'm really busy with school right now so I likely won't be able to get around to this any time soon unfortunately.

bahlo commented 8 years ago

It would be enough to just create a release in GitHub on the latest master commit (in this case v1.1).

Lorenzo45 commented 8 years ago

@bahlo Done, can't believe I didn't know about this feature before! Thanks!

bahlo commented 8 years ago

See https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/pull/20221. :ok_hand: