Lorenzo45 / AutoMute

Mute or unmute your MacBook based on your current Wi-Fi network
MIT License
182 stars 15 forks source link

Can't get it to work [El Capitan] #6

Closed vikeri closed 8 years ago

vikeri commented 9 years ago

The app starts but when I try to click on for example mute it does nothing. The app doesn't react on any mouse clicks. Haven't developed for Mac so I don't know what logs that you might be interested in to be able to debug.

Lorenzo45 commented 9 years ago

Oh wow, I'm seeing the same thing! Thanks for letting me know.

einraum-design commented 8 years ago

Same Problem (Also El Capitan - Version 10.11.2)

Lorenzo45 commented 8 years ago

I believe I've isolated the issue for the setup window not working. Here's my StackOverflow question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34486264/clicking-nssegmentedcontrol-in-unselected-nstableview-row-always-produces-1-as

If anyone has any input it'd be greatly appreciated!

Lorenzo45 commented 8 years ago

Fixed by changing NSSegmentedCell to NSPopUpButtonCell