Lorp / samsa

Variable font inspector
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Update technote-ttf-cubic.md #57

Closed dberlow closed 3 years ago

dberlow commented 4 years ago

*On the description of svg’s allowance of mixed curve type on a path, there must be a provision to render a path, or all the paths of a glyph, with one winding rule, no? I.e.a mixed path is not asking the renderer to change directions mid-path, or mid-glyph, is it?

Lorp commented 3 years ago

You’re right, a decision on curve direction needs to be taken on cubic glyphs in TrueTypish formats. I’m not sure which is best. Clockwise keeps faith with TrueType, and if mixed curve types are allowed, it can all be consistent. Anticlockwise would preserve point numbers from cubic sources, which doesn’t seem very important, but I may be missing something. In the ttf-cubic test fonts, curve direction is not altered from the sources, so anticlockwise for opaque, and wrong for TrueType.

I’ve added A note on outline direction.