Closed Typogram closed 2 years ago
Some fonts are not based on 1000 units, it would be better if the width and height of the SVG can be set dynamically, based on the font data, such as unitsPerEm Right now it is being hardcoded as width="1000" height="1000"
width="1000" height="1000"
SamsaGlyph.prototype.svg = function (style={}) { ... return `<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="1000" height="1000"> <g${style.transform ? ` transform="${style.transform}"` : ""}> <path d="${this.svgPath()}"${extra}></path> </g> </svg>`; }
Some fonts are not based on 1000 units, it would be better if the width and height of the SVG can be set dynamically, based on the font data, such as
Right now it is being hardcoded aswidth="1000" height="1000"