Lost-Outpost / lost-legacy

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Permanent Game Freeze near or at Dawnstar or Karthwasten #152

Closed TheOneLiliad closed 7 months ago

TheOneLiliad commented 7 months ago

Dawnstar has become more cursed than ever since every time I attempt to do literally anything including save near dawnstar the game freezes until I restart. I cannot do anything not even fast travel there or take a carriage.

Please fix this. I am using the base modlist with only performance mode turned on.

Same thing with Karthwasten

I have 32 GB RAM so memory is not the issue

Mae197 commented 7 months ago

im having the same problem where i cant even go too far north or my entire computer freezes running with 32 gb of ram and have tried giving skyrim more ram

GreatPadinski commented 7 months ago

Skyrim update borked stuff. 1.2.1c is out now to fix this.