Lost-Outpost / lost-legacy

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Radiant Quests in Skyrim Sewers combined with Lawbringer makes radiant quests unimmersive. #164

Closed TheOneLiliad closed 4 months ago

TheOneLiliad commented 6 months ago

I'm playing the Kanra radiant quest from Glenmoril, and I find it annoying that Kanra seems to keep ending up in Solitude Sewers, over and over again. Gosh, maybe you should keep Kanra on a leash, or install a gate! Okay I jest, that last part is more an issue of the mod itself, but I find that as I claim more and more places for factions using Lawbringer, all my radiant quests end up in the sewers. This is annoying. I don't like the sewers. And having to go into them over and over and the fact they keep resetting so I have to do the puzzles over and over again baffles me. I do like the concept of this mod but it makes gameplay very unimmersive and boring. I like radiant quests, but not when theyre always in the same places, especially when those places force you to complete the same boring puzzles over and over again which reset for no apparent reason.

Oh yeah the entrance to a lot of these places doesn't appear a lot of the time too.