Lost-Outpost / lost-legacy

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'Warden Of The Coast' bugged to hell and can't be completed. #186

Closed Toddy969 closed 1 week ago

Toddy969 commented 1 month ago

I've even tried reverting to a save before I began it and disabling but the game won't start without it, is there a way to achieve this please? After two days of fighting WotC and getting to the point where it was almost zero fun with slow loading screens, packages not firing, quests not progressing etc etc. I don't even like the mod either, messes with too many of the fundamental mechanics of the game for me. I'm also dubious of mod authors who offer no 'good guy' path through a mod. It makes zero sense that the Dragonborn who has fought dragons, saved cities, rescued children and saved Tamriel to suddenly start blithely chucking people's lives away.

Many thanks

TheOneLiliad commented 1 week ago

I agree. The mod is a nice idea but good lord is it broken.

I also find it weirdly comical how the mod author gives suicide hotlines... like what tf does this mod have to do with suicide? I appreciate the sentiment but it feels a bit... random. The characters also decide to behave like absolute cnts if you don't don't heir incredibly shitty and petty questlines. Like... why tf is one ofthe characters writing a BOOK when we're supposed to be escaping off an island where we're all going to die??? Like btch give me a break