Lost-Outpost / sovngarde

Sovngarde is a lightweight Legacy of the Dragonborn modlist with a minimal visual overhaul and the highest quality quest content.
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Odd Lighting Glitches #642

Closed ObscuraArcana closed 1 year ago

ObscuraArcana commented 1 year ago

This is a two-parter.

There's some odd lighting glitches happening here and there around emissive lights in the game such as campfires, candles, and oddly interior windows. It's like the emitted light is a physical 3D object, kind of shimmery like oil, and pops up inconsistently. Sometimes there's no sign of it, and then on next launch every emissive light has the bug, and the next it's gone again. I should specify. The emissive lights don't look like solid objects, more like how they would look in creation kit where the interface shows the shape of the emissive light if that makes sense.

The other one is a bit of a non-issue, but still annoying. During character creation something about the lockbox room makes the PCs hair...oily? Like wax? Shiny and difficult to see detail on, which makes customizing a bit of an ass because you don't actually know what the character will look like. This has been a present issue since 3.x.x, but I figured I'd submit it with this because it's lighting related.