Lost-Outpost / sovngarde

Sovngarde is a lightweight Legacy of the Dragonborn modlist with a minimal visual overhaul and the highest quality quest content.
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One reliably reproducable CTD, one total freeze, half of the ragged flagon missing, eclipse shader weird, other issues #695

Closed NetSysFire closed 11 months ago

NetSysFire commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I do not have discord due to several reasons. Other than the mentioned issues the modpack works fine. Great work so far! I am really enjoying the 150 hours I have put in until now.

This is 1.6.1 installed on Windows 11 via Mod Organizer 2.4.4. I am very unfamiliar with Windows as I am a Linux user. However, the principles of debugging remain the same and if you give me instructions to e.g obtain a backtrace or debug logs, I will provide those. Unfortunately due to potential save incompatibility I can not test with 1.7 yet, unless you tell me its fine.

I have seen in the closed issues that theres lots of bundled issues like this one. I hope this is acceptable and helpful. I am very willing to debug.

Crash when saving in a cell with Vampire Lord drained corpses

Very annoying.

Steps to reproduce:

Example scenario: Bilegulch mine. Go inside, there should be a single bandit leader, which will not be easily sapped if you happen to have the Blood Scion perk unlocked in your vampire lord skill tree. Kill (and similarly drain it) via your lifedrain spell while transformed. You will get a message in the upper left that your perk progress just got increased (standard message). Now save (in my case I did a quicksave via F5) and you should™ get an instant crash.

Freezes in Cyrodil

When exploring Cyrodil after passing through the pale pass, I have gotten frequent full game freezes. The music keeps on playing when this happens but this is unfortunately barely playable. A shame, because that region is so beautiful.

Short freeze after an unspecified amount of time, causes total loss of audio

This happens occasionally and is thus hard to reproduce. Sometimes the game will freeze up, the music keeps playing, for a couple of seconds and there will be no more sound after that, but everything else works normally. I can save, restart Skyrim and everything works after that. Quit to main menu will not resolve this, it needs to be a full restart.

Annoying, but it is infrequent enough luckily.

Shooting a bloodcursed arrow into the sun causes an abnormal tint


This is not how it is supposed to look. Via ENB shader settings I could turn off some settings relating to IgnoreWeatherSystem and AllowMultipleWeathers which made it better, but this is, no joke, causing me headaches. Its impossible to see, too, since theres only shades of gray and red.

Ragged Flagon has half of it missing

Title says it all. I wanted to take a screenshot of it but now I can not load my save. Lovely. Collision is still there but half of it is literally nothing, just sky. NPCs and most items are invisible in that area, too. Back when I was not in the thieves guild yet, I had to save and restart Skyrim to be able to exit that area. Very annoying.

Save issue causing an instant crash

This is driving me nuts. While trying to take some screenshots for this issue, I discovered that neither of my 4 recent saves work anymore. If one of them worked, I would also submit a crash log for the Vampire Lord thing above.

Here is a full log which I obtained via Mod Organizers "Display crash logs" tool: skyrim-crash.log

Reverting into a human as a vampire lord can equip the wrong things

Minor-ish but definitely annoying.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have two say enchanted silver rings, with different enchantments.
  2. Equip one of them.
  3. Transform into a vampire lord, then revert form.
  4. The other one may have been equipped.

I am lugging lots of enchanted jewelry around with me (because I can't even sell them all since the shopkeepers run out of money lol) and have lots of enchanted silver rings and I frequently got equipped the wrong one. Also had an issue where I just looted some daedric gauntlets off an enemy, transformed into a vampire lord and when reverting form it, my +9 enchanted daedric gauntlets were not equipped, but the untempered unenchanted ones were.

Geodes are not shaded

Minor graphical issue. Looks off when encountered but is definitely not gamebreaking.

On both Solstheim and Cyrodil you can encounter Geodes (e.g Ruby Geodes), yielding one gem and sometimes an additional flawless gem when mined. I am unsure how you call this, but they are neither affected by environmental lightning nor shadows, causing them to "glow" but not emitting actual light.

Random item missing a name


Screenshot says it all. Very minor, does not cause any error, but I have not crafted it. Looks off when encountered is all.

Elder Scroll (Dragon) can not be stored in Dragonborn Hall

Minor. No idea how or why, it says I am lacking the required item but I have completed both the main quest and the Dawnguard quest. I can sell it to the orc dude in the College of Winterhold at least.

Exploit: The "Leap" spell can be stacked infinitely.


Minor. Fun skyjumping ability. You can also sequence break some dungeons with this spell. E.g this one sinkhole place in the Reach you get a quest to clear. Or Reille or however this place in cyrodil with the ayleid lich dude is called, which can be accessed through whitestone cave.

NetSysFire commented 1 year ago


Now that Septimus 1.7.2 is out, I tested it with the new version and the trace stays the same. Someone would please take a look at that because even if I tried I can not participate in your discord because it requires a phone number.

Just load the save and quicksave or trigger an autosave. The save loads and plays fine otherwise. I have 2-3 more of those saves. Ignore the missing ESLs warning coming from the update to 1.7.2 from 1.6.1. The crash and the trace stayed exactly the same.