LostTemple1990 / Issues-of-self-debugged-VenturePlan

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wrong cast sequence in sim #2

Open LostTemple1990 opened 3 years ago

LostTemple1990 commented 3 years ago

There is a bug of the orignal addon in sim In the real logs,some spell will not cast in turn because of reasons what I called them "cast conditions" Here are some examples ,but many of them are without-logs because I've tried to fix the bug so they would not appear again.But many problems still remain due to my uncompletely fixed.

HealSpell Single-Effect heal spell(only heal effect,no shroud etc. in the cofig) will not cast when its target is in full hp in real logs. But in sim,it will always be cast when it is ready.(like the healer of night fae)

HealAura Especially for spell 21,it will not be cast when its targets is in full hp sim error result and real log.txt spell 21 was cast in turn 1 in sim but was cast in turn 2 in real log

see also spell 152 [152]={type="aura", target="all-other-allies", healATK=200, duration=1, firstTurn=5, modDamageDealt=50}, The spell was cast in turn 5 although its target( unit 6 and 7) is in full hp and below is the log , see turn 5 sim error result and real log.txt

Any AOE Spell when its targets are "shroud" I‘m not sure if the bug will affect all the aoe spells I've found the bug when I used the night fae follower with spell 305 [305]={type="nuke", target="enemy-back", damageATK=120}, --Roots of Submission The spell was cast in the next turn in real log instead of the turn its cd is ready when its target is in "shroud"(Attetion:Not in shroud turn) But I've deleted the log.....omg..

zealvurte commented 3 years ago

I ended up doing a few things to handle this:

LostTemple1990 commented 3 years ago

sim error results and real logs.txt spell 9 [9]={type="heal", target="all-allies", healPercent=5}, belongs to heal spell so it will not cast when its targets are all in full hp either

LostTemple1990 commented 2 years ago

sim error results and real logs.txt It seems that the heal effect will select a shroud target when the shroud target is not in full hp In turn 11,unit in slot 3 cast spell 48 and then get into shroud state In turn 12,unit in slot 0 cast heal spell to the unit in slot 3 in real log although it is in state shroud for heal spell 321,it's target in config is "3" sequence of the target logic is [0]="23104" units in slot 0,1 and 3 are existed in turn 12 according to the order of the sequence above,unit in slot 3 will be selected when the spell is casting the spell selected unit in slot 1 in sim because the unit in slot 3 is in shroud so I assume that the heal spell will always select the shroud unit when it is casting