Loteng-Dev / lotengdev-web

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framework #19

Open lastiwan89 opened 1 month ago

lastiwan89 commented 1 month ago

can i use framework like nextjs or vuejs to build this websites? just my opinion. maybe to make it easier to develop this project i prefer my self to do it with framework like nextjs, vue etc.

ardianta commented 1 month ago

Hi @lastiwan89, of course, go ahead. There also @M-Hidayatullah want to use Vue.js. As one of maintainer, I'm open to any opinion. What do you think guys, should we build the site using Vue? or anything else?

cc: @mfaridzia @ebysofyan @Crunchy89

mfaridzia commented 4 weeks ago

I think if you want to use frameworks to rebuild this Lombok Tengah (Loteng Dev) web, my suggestion is to use frameworks like Nuxt, Next.js, or even Astro, so we can get the benefit of the SSG (static site generator) feature.

@lastiwan89 @ardianta

M-Hidayatullah commented 3 weeks ago

So how about the tech stack fe?

cc @ardianta

M-Hidayatullah commented 3 weeks ago

sorry can only reply,, because I'm very busy

mfaridzia commented 3 weeks ago

Nuxt or Next.js are frontend frameworks (or can become fullstack framework too), @M-Hidayatullah

M-Hidayatullah commented 3 weeks ago

okay actually I'm already halfway using vue js.,,, but whateverπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

mfaridzia commented 3 weeks ago

Sure, you can use Vue.js without meta framework like Nuxt/Next.js to rebuild Loteng Dev Web. Go for it! @M-Hidayatullah

M-Hidayatullah commented 3 weeks ago

okay I hope the best for the community, regarding the FE tech stack we can collaborate.πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

ardianta commented 3 weeks ago

I think if you want to use frameworks to rebuild this Lombok Tengah (Loteng Dev) web, my suggestion is to use frameworks like Nuxt, Next.js, or even Astro, so we can get the benefit of the SSG (static site generator) feature.

I have been use Astro for hello world project πŸ˜„ , It was good. I think I need more time to learn it.

For now, let use tech stacks that we already know.

Vue + Vite + Vtest = Amazing ⚑️

mfaridzia commented 3 weeks ago

Hahah, nice start btw @ardianta πŸ˜‚ take more of your time.

Vue + Vite + Vtest = Amazing ⚑️

Sure, Vue + Vite is a great combo too πŸ”₯

ebysofyan commented 3 weeks ago


Thanks @everyone for the contributions!