Lothiraldan / saltpad

A gui and cli to manage saltstack deployments
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Problem installing saltpad #187

Open ayeja opened 7 years ago

ayeja commented 7 years ago

I have a problem with saltpad installation. According the documentation, I need the file index.html, but the file is missing. Any suggest?


crashmaster18 commented 7 years ago


That sounds to me like it's a webserver install/configuration issue and not saltpad? Prior to installation, make absolutely certain you have carefully read and understand both the saltpad requirements found here. Take special care to ensure salt-api is working as documented/linked in the requirements and then look closely at your distro's web server setup documentation to make certain it is working properly as well. In my opinion, Boris has done an excellent job carefully documenting the requirements for a somewhat complex install process...

ayeja commented 7 years ago


Thanks for your answer. I deployed using nginx, according the link https://github.com/Lothiraldan/saltpad/blob/master/docs/installation/nginx-server.md

The configuration requires:

**server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

# Saltpad specific
root /code/saltpad/;
index index.html;

server_name SALTPAD.YOURDNS;

location / {
    try_files $uri /index.html;


But I don´t see the file index.html, the page is shown in blank in the browser.

Thanks again.

workingmanrob commented 7 years ago

index.html is inside the dist.zip which you should have extracted to /code/ then done mv /code/dist /code/saltpad. I set mine up using rest_tornado and used this info:


Saltpad installation

Released versions are available on github (https://github.com/Lothiraldan/saltpad/releases). You will need to download the latest version of saltpad from production:

wget https://github.com/Lothiraldan/saltpad/releases/download/v0.3.1/dist.zip

Unzip to a location of your choice (for example, /code/saltpad):

unzip dist.zip -d /code/

Rename the /code/dist directory to /code/saltpad:

mv /code/dist/ /code/saltpad/

Check that a static directory exists in the /code/saltpad directory which contains js and css files.


thatsk commented 6 years ago

is there anyone know when i am able to login to saltpad and fire some commands on cli it shows data on ui but when i logout and relogin it vanishes data.

1450793561 commented 4 years ago

I am too,the page is blank,Through browser development tools, all JS and CSS are loaded. I don't know how to why?