Lothrazar / AutoPlant

AutoPlant Java forge minecraft
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Better regrow [suggestion] #7

Open NXTler opened 2 years ago

NXTler commented 2 years ago

Here are some "simple" Ideas that could change things up a bit more and make it even more immersive.

Auto leave decay: It would be really nice if the leaves would in some time decay and regrow. For example if a room is completly unlit the leaves should start decaying. This would drop saplings from time to time making it Immersive.

Biome depend auto plant: Before the saplings gets planted the mod checks what biome the sapling is in. For example: if an oak sapling is in winter ish biome, the chance of get planted should be reduce by an amount. This is so a forest don't start to grow everywhere.

Sapling decay: If a sapling can't grow, it should decay after some time.