Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
159 stars 96 forks source link

Localization conflict about Cyclic #1142

Closed mc-kaishixiaxue closed 4 years ago

mc-kaishixiaxue commented 5 years ago

Minecraft Version:

Forge Version:

Mod Version:

Single Player or Server:

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened):

  1. I installed Biomes O' Plenty and Cyclic two mods;
  2. I created a new word;
  3. I got a Celestial Crystal and a Crystallized Obsidian, then I found Biomes O' Plenty's Celestial Crystal changed to Cyclic's Crystallized Obsidian.
  4. I went to Biomes O' Plenty's GitHub page, found https://github.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/blob/BOP-1.12.x-7.0.x/src/main/resources/assets/biomesoplenty/lang/en_US.lang#L429 tile.crystal.name=Celestial Crystal For Cyclic: https://github.com/Lothrazar/Cyclic/blob/develop/src/main/resources/assets/cyclicmagic/lang/en_US.lang#L159 tile.crystal.name=Crystallized Obsidian The two files both have tile.crystal.name, because Cyclic doesn't have namespace on language file. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/internationalization/#usage-with-blocks-and-items said: Unlike registry names, translation keys are not namespaced. It is therefore highly recommended to prefix your modid somewhere to the translation key (e.g. examplemod.example_item) to avoid naming conflicts. Otherwise, in the event of a conflict, the localization of one object will override the other.
  5. The two items are supposed to show their own name.

Video/images/gifs (direct upload or link): 2019-05-10_09 35 07 2019-05-10_09 35 17 20190510100858

Lothrazar commented 4 years ago

non-critical issues like this wont be addressed in 1.12 at this point in the lifecycle. Working on brand new mods and 1.14+ ports

Also forge fixes it by default in 1.14