Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
160 stars 96 forks source link

Fluid Cable does not connect to cauldrons. #2321

Open Angular-Angel opened 1 year ago

Angular-Angel commented 1 year ago

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1

Forge Version: 47.1.0

Mod Version: 1.12.4

Single Player or Server: Single Player

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): When placed beneath or adjacent to a cauldron, fluid cables do not connect, and will not connect even after being right clicked on by a wrench. I know in a previous version I was able to get the to connect to the cauldrons and withdraw fluids, I was expecting that behavior to still be in place.

HalcyonSeas73 commented 1 year ago

This is intended behaviour; vanilla cauldrons aren't really fluid containers.

Angular-Angel commented 1 year ago

...Is that how it worked in previous versions? I could swear in an older version I had it connecting to cauldrons just fine. :/

CKY- commented 10 months ago

This is intended behaviour; vanilla cauldrons aren't really fluid containers.

then why is there an entire helper class dedicated to them

https://github.com/Lothrazar/Cyclic/blob/d697eca3a38b432a9e2642b7ec8862c9ab636bc3/src/main/java/com/lothrazar/cyclic/util/FluidHelpers.java#L82 this was a thing in 1.18.2 as per the update https://github.com/Lothrazar/Cyclic/blob/d697eca3a38b432a9e2642b7ec8862c9ab636bc3/update.json#L101

and is very much changed in 1.19.2 + what changed I have no idea but something did....

Lothrazar commented 10 months ago

at some point in the past there were a few cyclic blocks that tried to push/pull from cauldron but hardcoded to water, so yeah if something changed in 1.192ish then thats a bug probably. doing a full connection with a cable to a cauldron would not make sense as not all fluids would flow but something like a Fluid Hopper it would make sense to make that interact with cauldron if possible