Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
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Alchemical Veil breaks other charms #2345

Open jlp1528 opened 7 months ago

jlp1528 commented 7 months ago

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1

Forge Version: 47.1.76

Mod Version: 1.12.4

Single Player or Server: SP

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): Since the Alchemical Veil removes positive potion effects as well as negative ones, it will fight with several other charms until something runs out of durability and breaks. I originally noticed this with the Fire Charm and Charm Talisman, which made me think those were at fault. I'm sorry for creating an incorrect issue about those items. The real problem is that these items as well as some other items grant potion effects as intended, while it is not immediately clear that the Alchemical Veil will attempt to remove them and break something. Personally, I am not sure how to fix this without breaking the balance/intended function of something, but at the very least, it should be more clear that the Alchemical Veil blocks buffs as well as debuffs.