Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
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Filters weird behavior #2355

Open Ench-Wraits opened 6 months ago

Ench-Wraits commented 6 months ago

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Forge Version: 47.2.0 Mod Version: 1.12.4 Single Player or Server: Single Player

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened):

When configuring cables for a farm, the ignore list does not let items through it should let through (oak saplings into forester) and the allow list only lets through exact amounts (1-9) when those amounts are present as exactly that stack in a chest. The Item collector doesn't pick up things when the filter is set to (for example) allow oak logs, and has weird behavior with the deny list as well. What should happen is that the stack problem is fixed and cables let through all of the items in the allow list, regardless of stack size, or stack size should be more configurable. P.S. in fact, it doesn't let through any saplings when more than 1 is in the card. Log file link:

Video/images/gifs (direct upload or link): image image image image image

esvarc commented 5 months ago

Actually same for version of MC 1.20.1 and cyclic-1.20.1-1.12.4.jar. Simple setup, tested with 2 filters one allow iron secon ignore poppy. When on ignore all items are moved from left to right. When on Allow nothing happens it stys in left chest.

With ignore


With allow

image image
esvarc commented 5 months ago

Personally, I think that there is an error in the logic of the filter, it transfers only those items whose number is equal to one. When entering items into the filter, only one quantity can be entered. The result is that the filter ignores those items that are more than one in the stack. The same applies to the ignore filter.

eqagunn commented 1 month ago

Minecraft 1.20.1 | NeoForge 47.1.84 | Cyclic 1.12.6 Experiencing the same issue. Filter makes Item Collector collect only single items. Stacks get ignored.

Unrelated, but just to mention as well: Precise Dropper doesn't wait to have the exact Count specified to drop it all together as a stack. Instead it always drops when it tries to drop regardless of how much it has.