Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
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Ender Inventory Cake inventory persists across multiple saves. #2374

Open ProfessorBiddle opened 4 months ago

ProfessorBiddle commented 4 months ago

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 (dw20 pack)

Forge Version: NeoForge 47.1.84

Mod Version: 1.12.6

Single Player or Server: Single Player

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): Items in Ender Inventory Cake inventory persist across saves.

I played into the pack a decent amount in one save, had a bunch of items inside the ender inventory. Abandoned the world, started a new save, and before creating or eating the cake I can press the hotkey to open the inventory and retrieve items that I had in the other save.

Image of ender inventory containing items on a different save than those items originated on. In this save I haven't eaten the cake.


I can provide a log if necessary, but I don't think it contains anything that would be helpful.

uhloin commented 1 month ago

I have the same issue. I noticed it when crafted Portable Storage Terminal from Integrated Dynamics, but pressed key for Ender Inventory and found all items from previous world. Old world was deleted just before create this world and had different name. So, probably, that inventory is stored somewhere not in "saves" folder and this may be lead to the bug in some situation.