Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
156 stars 95 forks source link

[MC 1.20.1 | Forge 47.2.23 | Mod 1.12.7] Crash with Error Code -1 | World Gen Stuck at 0% #2388

Open sugan-reden opened 3 months ago

sugan-reden commented 3 months ago

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Forge Version: 47.2.0 Mod Version: Cyclic-1.20.1-1.12.7.jar Single Player or Server: Single Player Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): I can't seem to get past 0% world gen. I tried with multiple setups; Biomes O' Plenty, Terralith, TerraBlender, William Wyther's Expanded Ecosphere. From all these, I tried with all of them on, then multiple selections of them disabled, then only leaving one at a time enabled. None of these options worked. I then disabled Cyclic and it worked. I believe the error type is in reality a feature cycle. I have to add I am trying to make a modpack with 200+ mods, so the crashing interaction could potentially come from another mod or inter compatibility issue, but I am not code-literate enough to find the issue on my own. In my last crashed attempt I used Cyanide to pimp the crash log, with pointed me to Cyclic potentially causing a problem with 'cyclic:flower_purple'.

I previously tried making this same modpack in Minecraft 1.19.2 with the sames errors, but am reporting for 1.20.1 because that is what I would like to use from now on.

Please alert me if the pasted link doesn't work. It is my first time making a crash report so and I'm not that experienced with all of this.

Log file link: https://paste.ee/d/7SmTn

Video/images/gifs (direct upload or link):

Apollounknowndev commented 3 months ago

Use Cyclic Crash Fixer until Cyclic fixes the issue themselves (#2387)

sugan-reden commented 2 months ago

Hi, I'm sorry for the delayed response. Life got in the way 🙃

Thank you so much for your amazing work! 😄

This fix did work. However, as of now, with the latest version of Cyclic, the issue persisted through and popped up again.

To fix it, I reverted back the version of Cyclic to 1.12.7 (Cyclic-1.20.1-1.12.7.jar) and used it in combination with the Cyclic Crash Fixer 1.0 (cyclic-crash-fixer-1.0.jar).

Here's the new crash report: https://paste.ee/p/Ekxgv

Apollounknowndev commented 2 months ago

Will be fixed in #2402

sugan-reden commented 2 months ago

Wow! Thank you again for the swift response. This is refreshing to see 😲😄