Lothrazar / Cyclic

Minecraft mod written in Java
MIT License
156 stars 95 forks source link

Button / option to DISABLE items from "falling in" to the RIGHT-HAND input slot of the crystallizer, when desired. #2393

Closed ZTagre closed 1 month ago

ZTagre commented 3 months ago

Minecraft Version: 1.18.2

Forge Version: (not relevant...)

Mod Version: (Relevance?)

Single Player or Server: Both, probably.

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): When I try to use the CRYSTALLIZER to "crystallize" sulfur dust into sulfur (Thermal Series) (a recipe supported by your mod...), if the left-hand input slot should FILL UP, then the machine stops functioning until the items in the right-hand input slot are removed. That is, if only ONE of the input slots is REQUIRED for the "recipe", then I would like to somehow "disable" the right-hand input slot (via a GUI "button", or something similar?).

Without that feature, automation of the crystallizer without control of exactly how much of an input item you supply, won't work! You would ideally like to simply add items until the item stack has been "filled", and then the machine simply stops taking more input items until there is more room. If the right-hand slot isn't disabled, then the right-hand slot will obviously keep taking the "overflow" intended for the left-hand slot, thus "breaking" the recipe...

I hope I described the issue clearly enough? It would make the crystallizer an exceptionally useful item, allowing for excellent automation ability! As of now, I need to make sure to never add more items to the input than the left-hand slot can handle, and that is not easy to do with simple automation!

As an aside, this issue also comes in to play when a modpack has more than a single "kind" of sulfur dust available! The crystallizer handles (for example) the sulfur dust from Mekanism, Thermal Series AND NuclearCraft just fine! No issues there! But, when you supply ALL THREE as automated "input", the three types of dust are ALL actually DIFFERENT (of course!), and so naturally they don't "stack" together! Thus, the dust from (as example) Thermal in the left-hand slot will "force" a newly-added dust item from the Mekanism mod to go in to the right-hand slot, which, again, "breaks" the processing! If, however, you could DISABLE the right-hand input slot when necessary, then if the single slot "filled up", OR if a dust item from a different mod was presented to the crystallizer as new input, it would need to WAIT until room became available in the left-hand slot.

Sorry if the description of the issue was a bit long-winded, but I wanted you to see how this single addition could greatly enhance the functionality of the crystallizer...

P.S. - Love the mod, and have been using it religeously for YEARS!

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ZTagre commented 1 month ago

My humble apologies! The crystallizer is NOT a Cyclic machine...my bad...