Lothrazar / RootsClassic

Port of Roots 1 originally by Elucent (based on latest public MIT version, with permission from EpicSquid)
MIT License
3 stars 13 forks source link

Latest forge incompatibility #99

Closed Nostalgion closed 2 months ago

Nostalgion commented 12 months ago

Minecraft version & Mod Version: 1.20.1-1.3.1

Single player or Server: Client

Describe problem (what you were doing / what happened): Incompatible for latest forge version, only up to 40.1.3 iirc, trying to run on 40.1.44

Crash log (if any):

(If this is a suggestion and not a bug report, delete all this and just write your suggestion!)

ZestyBlaze commented 12 months ago

Log please?

Nostalgion commented 11 months ago

crash-2023-09-12_01.59.56-fml.txt https://mclo.gs/gjtF58g

Gibil commented 10 months ago

Appears to be a max version (for a long while now):

[12Oct2023 16:59:18.840] [main/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.ModSorter/LOADING]: Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies:
    Mod ID: 'forge', Requested by: 'rootsclassic', Expected range: '[47,47.1.3]', Actual version: '47.2.0'

Is there any way to have this be a min version?

toErIpNid commented 10 months ago

This issue is still around. I just got it. latest.log

drakray commented 10 months ago

This also makes it not compatible with NeoForge (47.1.79) I'll try manually changing the mods.toml "versionRange" to remove the upper limit, as sometime it work

EDIT: it loaded, so that's a good thing, I'll try to play this way until it crashes XD(hoping it will not)

InterPlay02 commented 9 months ago

I'm here just to remind that this problem still persists. [11:18:54] [main/ERROR]: Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies: Mod ID: 'forge', Requested by: 'rootsclassic', Expected range: '[47,47.1.3]', Actual version: '47.2.6' [11:19:01] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17

jsaggers commented 8 months ago

Seems this is still a problem and it's the 2nd of January 24 :) Apparently someone edited the .toml file and fixed it?

JoelYoung01 commented 4 months ago

Still waiting for this to be resolved!

Coming from attempting to install ATM9

FrozenToothpaste commented 2 months ago

Yes its literally just a .toml change. It even loads and works fine. It blows my mind that it hasnt been updated yet?? How else can modpacks include it since Curseforge only accepts Forge mods?

FrozenToothpaste commented 2 months ago

If I read the license right, it seems that someone can republish the mod but give full credit to the original author? Correct me if I am wrong about this of course