Lothrazar / Storage-Network

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Server crashes while starting up #491

Closed cuboxy closed 1 year ago

cuboxy commented 1 year ago

Minecraft Version: 1.19.2

Forge Version: 43.2.0

Mod Version: 1.19-1.6.5

Single Player or Server: server

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): server crashed while starting up, error says that it "attempted to load class net/minecraft/client/Options for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER"

Log file link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/417834754763653122/1076427632872267786/crash-2023-02-18_08.58.15-fml.txt

Video/images/gifs (direct upload or link):

cuboxy commented 1 year ago

nvm read the other issues and found out a solution