Lothrazar / Storage-Network

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[1.20.1] Fatal Crash: Ticking Block Entity #513

Open HalcyonSeas73 opened 1 year ago

HalcyonSeas73 commented 1 year ago

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1

Forge Version: 47.1.42

Mod Version: 1.10.0

FLib version: 0.0.9

Single Player or Server: Single

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened): Setting up a basic network crashed the single player server.

Log file link: https://mclo.gs/pqrslZo

[snip] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.lothrazar.storagenetwork.api.DimPos.offset(net.minecraft.core.Direction)" because the return value of "com.lothrazar.storagenetwork.api.IConnectable.getPos()" is null [/snip]

qznfbnj commented 1 year ago

The reason stacktrace for the crash is same as https://github.com/Lothrazar/Storage-Network/issues/509