LotroCompanion / lotro-companion

A graphical tool to manage your Lotro Characters (including gear/stats simulation)
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Quest/deed status for multiple toons at once #357

Open dmorcellet opened 1 year ago

dmorcellet commented 1 year ago

As requested by anathel on the Discord (#LLD/requests): as an altoholic it wold be really nice to have some sort of reverse search. I do often find myself struggling to remember which toon has completed a certain deed/instance/quest when I see something in LFF. So if possible instead of going through each character individually and checking quest and deeds there which takes a lot of time it would be helpful to go to general quest, deed etc. from main window and get there an overview which characters have already completed is underway or still have to etc.

dmorcellet commented 11 months ago

This feature was requested on Discord by robayche. May be we should implement this one with a UI design similar to the "synopsis" windows: a filter to choose the deeds/titles to show. A selector for characters. And then a result area with a table: a column for the deed/title name, and one column "green tick/red cross" per character. Double click on a row would bring the deed/title form.