Open Lotte-W opened 3 years ago
Very interesting subject. I think this is worth looking into.
For Europe, this relates to the eIDAS regulation, which is something all EU public archives will have to address and it ties closely with current standardization efforts such as CEN/TC 468 Preservation of Digital Information.
There are parts of the workflow that I feel might be well understood in the community, for example, preserving integrity today is as much about maintaining the integrity of the document. The gaps in my knowledge, and I wonder if others too? Is what happens on a long-enough timeline to certificates and signature validation? What are the legal implications of invalid signatures? Other topics of interest might be the different types of signatures, so, eIDAS above is a great example, I think they are "qualified signatures"? What about more basic signatures (Docusign for example (eSignatures?)), and how are they maintained, and the legal implications of those in the long term? There are good articles from InterPARES around some of the issues which are a start. There's a reasonable call to action from Bernd Wild in the following YouTube video: calling for an ISARTOR suite for signed documents which may also be beneficial. Developing a curriculum/guidance around all of this would be awesome.
I know Kuldar Aas the National Archvies of Estonia has done some thinking around the issues of digital signatures.
Preserving signed documents where electronic signature is equal to handwritten signature (e.g ASICE). Share current practices on metadata extraction, preservation and giving access to such files.