Lotte-W / Digital-Preservation-Headaches

Digital Preservation Headaches
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Loss of expertise #8

Open Lotte-W opened 2 years ago

Lotte-W commented 2 years ago

Expertise is lost when archives are transferred. Context is lost when archives are digitised. Expertise is lost when archivists retire. Meaning is lost when researchers do not share their knowledge.

joshuatj commented 2 years ago

This is a tough one, but the first thing that came to mind is good information/knowledge management practices might help mitigate some aspects of this issue.

kuldaraas commented 2 years ago

To a large degree, this issue is not relevant for just digital preservation but, in fact, to archiving as such. @joshuatj is correct that the main method for overcoming this issue is good information / knowledge management. In particular careful description of archival content (read: creating good descriptions, reusing descriptions from the original system, carrying out metadata quality controls) is important. As good descriptions require a lot of time and effort, there is currently a lot of attention also towards applying AI in digital information/knowledge management - keywords auto-description, auto-classification.

kuldaraas commented 2 years ago

Btw, loss of digital preservation expertise is also a crucial topic but I am wondering if this fits into this one or should be a separate issue? The obvious solution to this is "having good connections to other institutions with a lot of expertise", like participating in OPF, DLM, DPC, E-ARK.