Lotte-W / Digital-Preservation-Headaches

Digital Preservation Headaches
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Losing staff to IT #9

Open Lotte-W opened 2 years ago

Lotte-W commented 2 years ago

Digital preservation skills have a lot of overlap with Enterprise IT. Pay is better over at IT. Staff retention is hard.

Asbjoedt commented 2 years ago

This is difficult for AIG to do anything about. However, the relayed insight is valuable and as such something we also encounter reguarly. It demotivates the organisation when you have too many people coming and going and you have to spend many resources on training new staff. As a positive the new staff coming in prevents stagnation and an organisation that cannot (or do not want to) change and innovate.

Another possibility is integrating DP and Enterprise IT in one unit, allowing a tighter cooperation, easier access to IT resources and a possible pay upgrade for the DP staff. I have experienced formally being part of Enterprise IT, but the archive was separated into its own team, physical location and functioned in many ways independently, and reality was the pay was a humanities/academic pay and not IT. Secondly the pay IT staff get at my current workplace is surprisingly not that high(er). The problem I more see, is the public versus private sector schism. My archive is mostly losing staff to the private IT sector, and maybe this was also what you were referring to.