LouisAsanaka / Valorant-Zone-Stats

View your VALORANT performance in different areas of every map in the game!
MIT License
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Fracture Map Added #7

Closed mitchcapper closed 2 years ago

mitchcapper commented 2 years ago

Hello fracture:) Most significantly this uses a new way to generate the zones to make it quicker. For adding maps. I added the photoshop file with the template I fed in. The background of it is what I started with. Zone names are the official so renaming always a potential option. Not sure if we want a manual zone across the middle for the ropes as you can kill and be killed on them. Clearly no ability to differentiate when in tunnels vs on top. the x/y multiplier and x/y offset are just the official valorant-api.com values without manual tweaking. They seem quite accurate.

LouisAsanaka commented 2 years ago

Looks good - I wonder if the PSD should stay in the maps directory though? Maybe pull it out into a separate directory since the build script copies everything over.

mitchcapper commented 2 years ago
