Closed espindola closed 11 months ago
Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
LGTM, I just have one question: how would a user install that file on their system? Each release has pre-build binaries for all major OS and arch combo but not this file?
LGTM, I just have one question: how would a user install that file on their system? Each release has pre-build binaries for all major OS and arch combo but not this file?
avahi2dns is still not include in alpine unfortunately: avahi packages.
So for now installation is:
$ go build
$ sudo cp avahi2dns /usr/bin
$ sudo cp openrc/avahi2dns /etc/init.d/
$ sudo rc-update add avahi2dns
With this avahi2dns can be used as a system daemon by coping openrc/avahi2dns to /etc/init.d/avahi2dns and the compiled binary to somewhere in the system path.