LouisCharlesC / safe

Header only read/write wrapper for mutexes and locks.
MIT License
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License questions #24

Closed werdahias closed 2 years ago

werdahias commented 2 years ago

In readme.md it states: "Most cmake code comes from this repo: https://github.com/bsamseth/cpp-project and Craig Scott's CppCon 2019 talk: Deep CMake for Library Authors. Many thanks to the authors!" Is this just autogenerated from there? Or is there actual code by third parties? I need to know that because I am packaging safe for debian and the copyright needs to be strict.

LouisCharlesC commented 2 years ago

Hey, I don't know enough about copyrights to even know if I answer your question. Please tell me if I somehow miss the point or need to give you more information.

It's been a long time and I do not remember exactly what I did, but looking at the code it seems that:

werdahias commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks for the insight. So InstallTarget.cmake is just based on the talk, but not copied from there, right? What about safeconfig.cmake.in?

  • Some other files I adapted.

Any other ones? Sorry for all the scrutiny but the copyright has to be accurate

LouisCharlesC commented 2 years ago

So InstallTarget.cmake is just based on the talk, but not copied from there, right?

I'll have to ask what exactly is meant by "copying" ? Do I have to remember if I copy/pasted the thing or if I wrote an exact copy looking at the slides ? Most code in the slides is about a project "someProj", obviously I had to change that. The talk is filled with small snippets, I guess I assembled them into useful files. That sounds half copying half writing to me :D

What about safeconfig.cmake.in?

I can't find any trace of this file's content in my usual cmake sources, so maybe I wrote this one. But it's impossible, I don't know cmake well enough to be able to "write some cmake code". It is 100% sure that the content comes from a mix of the two sources I stated, other cmake template projects you can find on github which I forgot about, stackoverflow answers and the cmake documentation.

One thing I remember is that nothing worked at first, so I did have to fiddle a lot with the cmake, probably making it less likely that it was copied.

Just to make it clear: I'm actually trying to give a precise answer, but it's been a long time :(

werdahias commented 2 years ago

Ok thank you for your insight. That should good enough. Copying in this context is 1:1 copying. If you were just "inspired" it's still your code I guess.

LouisCharlesC commented 2 years ago

Phew, good! Out of curiosity, can I ask why you are doing this? I'm not even sure I know what "packaging for debian" really means! Thanks.

werdahias commented 2 years ago

PDF Slicer uses your cpp library. Per debian policy every library needs to be provided as a debian package. Once my package gets accepted your library is going to be provided for everyone on a debian-based os (e.g. ubuntu)

LouisCharlesC commented 2 years ago

Cool, thanks for doing this :)

Shall we close this issue ?

werdahias commented 2 years ago

Once the package gets accepted, sure.

werdahias commented 2 years ago

see debian tracker .Closing.