LouisDeMilleville / ChatGPTToAPI

A project which allows you to transform your ChatGPT account into a personal API server to make requests to ChatGPT for free in your projects | Un projet qui vous permet de transformer votre compte ChatGPT en un serveur API personnel vous permettant d'effectuer des requêtes à ChatGPT sur vos autres projets
1 stars 0 forks source link

not working #2

Open paisekamao opened 4 days ago

paisekamao commented 4 days ago

E:\PROJECTS\ChatGPTToAPI>python server.py

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By https://github.com/LouisDeMilleville

Starting the bot... Message: unable to set cookie (Session info: chrome=129.0.6668.59) Stacktrace: GetHandleVerifier [0x00A183E3+25571] (No symbol) [0x009AA684] (No symbol) [0x008A1F89] (No symbol) [0x008ACA1B] (No symbol) [0x00935D11] (No symbol) [0x0090AC0C] (No symbol) [0x00925349] (No symbol) [0x0090A9A6] (No symbol) [0x008DBAB6] (No symbol) [0x008DC50D] GetHandleVerifier [0x00CEC4A3+2991267] GetHandleVerifier [0x00D3D2C9+3322569] GetHandleVerifier [0x00AA84D2+615634] GetHandleVerifier [0x00AAFBFC+646140] (No symbol) [0x009B327D] (No symbol) [0x009B0188] (No symbol) [0x009B0325] (No symbol) [0x009A2826] BaseThreadInitThunk [0x77A8FCC9+25] RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77BE80CE+286] RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x77BE809E+238]

Problem adding this cookie(May not be necessary to be connected to ChatGPT) : {'name': '__Host-next-auth.csrf-token', 'value': '040fdf2c88aed585f60785caf3a5588bf8bab1b737bad48104110fcd29aab5d6%7C9bba7d5fc5de475bcbbb146f12d2035fc693623f2cad40f3cc13c49d147b30f3', 'domain': 'chatgpt.com', 'path': '/', 'expires': -1, 'httpOnly': True, 'secure': True, 'sameSite': 'Lax'} Cookies loaded

LouisDeMilleville commented 2 days ago

It should work anyway without all the cookies. Is the chromium instance opened by selenium connected to your ChatGPT account ?