Louisb111 / Codon-decripter

//Amino Acid # : {codon} // phe=q, leu=w, ser=e, tyr=r, cys=t, trp=y, leu=u, pro=i, his=o, gln=p, arg=a, ile=s, thr=d, asn=f, lys=g, ser=h, arg=j, val=k, ala=l, glu=z, gly=x, stop=stop, met/start=start
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revised1 #2

Open Louisb111 opened 6 years ago

Louisb111 commented 6 years ago

//Amino Acid # : {codon} // phe=q, leu=w, ser=e, tyr=r, cys=t, trp=y, leu=u, pro=i, his=o, gln=p, arg=a, ile=s, thr=d, asn=f, lys=g, ser=h, arg=j, val=k, ala=l, glu=z, gly=x, stop=stop, met/start=start if (genome_sequence.length % chunkSize !=3) { throw new TypeError("genome non-divisible by chunk size: 3 ") }

const codon = { 'UUU': Phe, 'UUC': Phe, 'UUA': Leu, 'UUG': Leu, 'UCU': Ser, 'UCC': Ser, 'UCA': Ser, 'UCG': Ser, 'UAU': Tyr, 'UAC': Tyr, 'UAA': STOP, 'UAG': STOP, 'UGA': STOP, 'UGU': Cys, 'UGC': Cys, 'UGG': Trp, 'CUU': Leu, 'CUC': Leu, 'CUA': Leu, 'CUG': Leu, 'CCU': Pro, 'CCC': Pro, 'CCA': Pro, 'CCG': Pro, 'CAU': His, 'CAC': His, 'CAA': Gln, 'CAG': Gln, 'CGU': Arg, 'CGC': Arg, 'CGA': Arg, 'CGG': Arg, 'AUU': Ile, 'AUC': Ile, 'AUC': Ile, 'AUG': START, 'ACU': Thr, 'ACC': Thr, 'ACA': Thr, 'ACG': Thr, 'AAU': Asn, 'AAC': Asn, 'AAA': Lys, 'AAG': Lys, 'AGU': Ser, 'AGC': Ser, 'AGA': Arg, 'AGG': Arg, 'GUU': Val, 'GUC': Val, 'GUA': Val, 'GUG': Val, 'GCU': Ala, 'GCC': Ala, 'GCA': Ala, 'GCG': Ala, 'GAU': Asp, 'GAC': Asp, 'GAA': Glu, 'GAG': Glu, 'GGU': Gly, 'GGC': Gly, 'GGA': Gly, 'GGG': Gly, }; const START = 'AUG'; const END1 = 'UGA'; const END2 = 'UAA'; const END3 = 'UAG';

const regexStart = new RegExp('^' + START); const regextEnd = new RegExp((${END1}|${END2}|${END3})$);



var array = ["s", "w", "r"]

var genomeSequence = array.filter(genome){ return }


'Phe': Q, 'Leu': W, 'Ser': E, 'Tyr': R, 'Cys': T, 'Leu': Y, 'Pro': U, 'His': I, 'Gin': O, 'Arg': P, 'Ile': A, 'Thr': S, 'Asn': D, 'Lys': F, 'Arg': G, 'Val': H, 'Ala': J, 'Asp': K, 'Glu': L, 'Gly': Z,


ninbryan commented 6 years ago

you will need to put this in a new script file will need to try git

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