Louisvdw / dbus-serialbattery

Battery Monitor driver for serial battery in VenusOS GX systems
MIT License
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Add bluetooth support #13

Closed Louisvdw closed 7 months ago

Louisvdw commented 3 years ago

It would be good to have the driver use bluetooth to connect from the VenusOS device to the BMS The latest rPi images has bluetooth enabled. A GX device will need a USB bluetooth dongle.

It will need to

TheEldar commented 2 years ago

Can help with Testing if needed. I have a Cerbo GX and 3 Renogy RBT200LFP12-BT.

damonblumenstein commented 2 years ago

I would love to see this come to fruition. I have 2 propane sensors on BT now and its awesome. This would make total sense!

TheEldar commented 1 year ago

did some tests with a Raspi and my Renogy RBT200LFP12-BT. Sorry it's not for the ANT BMS. But maybe it will also Help to implement the BT Support.

The Solar Monitor from Olen works and connects to the BT module of the Renogy. The scripts are meant for MQTT but maybe you can use the BT part and for integration in the GX devices? Olen on GitHub And an other Script on reddit Link to Reddit Post

baranator commented 1 year ago

Last week i got the last parts for my victron battery system and tried to wire it up. the dbus-serialbattery wouldn't work. After some testing i came to the conclusion out that the serialport of my jk-b2a24s20p is broken as i couldn't get it running with any serial/dongle-combination other people describe as working - no signals on the directly attached oscilloscope either. Therefore i had to look for an alternative:

I spent my weekend on figuring out how to communicate with my jk-b2a24s20p via python-bleak via Bluetooth. Good news: I think i've already manages the hardest part and have all relevant readings (threshold & protection-voltages, per-cell-voltages and so on) in a python-dict.

In the next days i would have a closer look at your dbus-serialbattery implementation and how to fit this in. I would assume the easiest way would be to create another Battery-Subclass as a wrapper for the functions i wrote today in etc/dbus-serialbattery e.g. jkbms_ble.py, so that while running dbus-serialbattery simply wouldn't only poll all the currently implemented serial-connections, but would also try to build up a bluetooth-connection and poll data from there.

Is this a/the way to go? Anything else to consider?

Louisvdw commented 1 year ago

The protocol would be the same via normal wired serial communication and bluetooth. The setup of bluetooth and the address would be the big differences. But to make it easier you can just make a new battery type like you suggest and add that to the types to check. As long as your type has all the requered function calls it will be tested. Make a draft Pull Request even though you have not finished it. That way we can see what you have done and give you feedback and we can merge when it is done.

baranator commented 1 year ago

Okay, i forked the repo, but for now i will concentrate on building a class that solely concentrates on retrieving the jkms-data via ble. I put that pre-alpha-test on github, see: https://github.com/baranator/jkbms_brntr

This is a single file, that should already be kind of runnable and print some values from the battery every few seconds; the library is going to create a background-thread, that handles all the incoming bluetooth-stuff and will provide a get_status() function that can be called any time to get the freshly updated values. Only very basic error-handling at the moment. I took many parts from https://github.com/syssi/esphome-jk-bms and translated the c-code to python. As i do not have that much experience with python i dont dare to guarantee for any kind of code-quality :D

baranator commented 1 year ago

Did some first steps on my fork: https://github.com/baranator/dbus-serialbattery/commit/fe6b89cfb2a1623bd835d60f76b5bcd9102c684d

this isn't running just yet, just trying to figure out how to put things together... to make it work you need to install the bleak python-package, what won't do fully automatic to get it installed, run opkg install python3-pip and then bring it up to the newest version pip install --upgrade pip. if you then try to install bleak via pip install bleak you will get some weird errors, that i provisionally got rid of by installing all available python-modules :S via pip install python3-modules ... this should be reduced to the really needed packages later :)

(just wanted to give a sign of life)

mr1978 commented 1 year ago

Perhaps i can help by installing the required modules. The trick is you have to download the modules via wget, extract an install it manually.


cd /opt/victronenergy/inst wget https://github.com/hbldh/bleak/archive/refs/heads/develop.zip unzip develop.zip

By my testings I had the problem that some modules are missing:

cd /opt/victronenergy/inst wget https://github.com/Bluetooth-Devices/dbus-fast/archive/refs/heads/main.zip unzip main.zip.1

cd /opt/victronenergy/inst/dbus-fast-main/src mv dbus_fast /opt/victronenergy/

cd /opt/victronenergy/inst wget https://github.com/aio-libs/async-timeout/archive/refs/heads/master.zip unzip master.zip

cd async-timeout-master python3 setup.py install

cd /opt/victronenergy/inst wget https://github.com/dreadnought/python-daly-bms/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

unzip main.zip cd python-daly-bms-main/ python3 setup.py install

I hope this helps.

idstein commented 1 year ago

this isn't running just yet, just trying to figure out how to put things together... to make it work you need to install the bleak python-package, what won't do fully automatic to get it installed, run opkg install python3-pip and then bring it up to the newest version pip install --upgrade pip. if you then try to install bleak via pip install bleak you will get some weird errors, that i provisionally got rid of by installing all available python-modules :S via pip install python3-modules ... this should be reduced to the really needed packages later :)

(just wanted to give a sign of life)

Thanks for those valuable instructions. For me the following worked to get custom python packages on board: opkg update opkg install python3-pip python3-modules

For the concrete serial rfcomm with a BLE GATT device, I use ble_serial:

pip3 install ble_serial

For JBD BMS the following service, rx and tx UUIDs work to construct a local serial socket forwarding: ble_serial -p /tmp/ttyBLE1 -s 0000ff00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb -r 0000ff01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb -w 0000ff02-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

Sample output running on a RPi4 Venus OS: root@raspberrypi4:~# ble-serial -s "0000ff00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" 21:20:30.075 | INFO | linux_pty.py: Port endpoint created on /tmp/ttyBLE -> /dev/pts/2 21:20:30.076 | INFO | ble_interface.py: Receiver set up 21:20:30.077 | WARNING | ble_interface.py: Picking first device with matching service, consider passing a specific device address, especially if there could be multiple devices /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ble_serial/bluetooth/ble_interface.py:28: FutureWarning: This method will be removed future version, pass the callback to the BleakClient constructor instead. self.dev.set_disconnected_callback(self.handle_disconnect) 21:20:31.233 | INFO | ble_interface.py: Trying to connect with 70:3E:97:D2:F4:D0: JBD-AP21S002 21:20:32.163 | INFO | ble_interface.py: Device 70:3E:97:D2:F4:D0 connected 21:20:32.165 | INFO | ble_interface.py: Found write characteristic 0000ff02-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (H. 20) 21:20:32.167 | INFO | ble_interface.py: Found notify characteristic 0000ff01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (H. 16) 21:20:32.225 | INFO | main.py: Running main loop! ^C21:29:59.848 | WARNING | main.py: Shutdown initiated 21:29:59.849 | INFO | linux_pty.py: Serial reader and symlink removed 21:30:02.017 | WARNING | ble_interface.py: Device 70:3E:97:D2:F4:D0 disconnected 21:30:02.018 | INFO | ble_interface.py: Stopping Bluetooth event loop 21:30:02.020 | INFO | ble_interface.py: Bluetooth disconnected 21:30:02.021 | INFO | main.py: Shutdown complete.

This will construct a local tty file endpoint backed by BLE GATT device with a RX/TX characteristics using write / notify. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to inform serial-starter about this new pseudo terminal device. But reading this here it does not sound like an easy route https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/240352/control-pseudo-terminal-dev-pts-assignments.

Any interesting on the Python code can take a look at the attached patch file. The patch assumes tty path is provided with a query, e.g. /tmp/ttyBLE?ble=[address]. Minimal sample also works with just calling with tty path /tmp/ttyBLE?ble= jbd_ble.patch

baranator commented 1 year ago

slowly getting somewhere :)


baranator commented 1 year ago

created a pull-request draff, so further progress will be handled there: https://github.com/Louisvdw/dbus-serialbattery/pull/372

mr-manuel commented 1 year ago

See this discussion for the big progress: https://github.com/Louisvdw/dbus-serialbattery/discussions/485

The Bluetooth connection for the JKBMS is now working fine since 4 months and the cornerstone for adding other Bluetooth drivers was placed.

mr-manuel commented 7 months ago

Was implemented for most used BMS by community. Further PR for more BMS are very welcome.