Louisvdw / dbus-serialbattery

Battery Monitor driver for serial battery in VenusOS GX systems
MIT License
496 stars 158 forks source link

Permission denied after new installation #844

Closed Martinmaker92 closed 8 months ago

Martinmaker92 commented 8 months ago

Describe the problem

Hey guys i´ve used an old version of ther serial battery monitor on my Victron 3 Phase system with 4 battery packs with JK BMS.

it worked fine for a year until friday. I tried to install a new Fronius PV inverter and after a Software update on it i was not able to show or fiind it on the VRM. So i googled and found a Forum where somebody told he deleted some files and after this it worked. I did the same but after this al my settings and serialbattery manager were gone.

so i tried to install the new version and it worked fine, but i was not able to open the utilitys tab to change the settings to the values i need. it says permission denied. I already reinstalled it several times but the problem stays the same.


Driver version


Venus OS device type

Cerbo GX

Venus OS version


BMS type

JKBMS / Heltec BMS

Cell count


Connection type

Serial USB adapter to TTL

Config file

i cant enter the config file, so i cant change or post it!

Relevant log output

root@einstein:~# /data/log/serial-starter/current
-sh: /data/log/serial-starter/current: Permission denied

so i cant even check the log files!

Any other information that may be helpful


mr-manuel commented 8 months ago

Unfortunately you are not following the documentation and only executing a part of the commands.

In the screenshot you are trying to execute the config.default.ini which won't work. You have to edit the file with a text editor like nano, vi, vim or many others. Then additionally you should not edit the config.default.ini but only the config.ini.

Please read carefully this pages:

  1. Driver version >= v1.0.0 (config.ini)
  2. SSH edit using Nano editor (recommended)
  3. Serial BMS connection